Preparing Your Vehicle for Successful Vehicle Wraps
Vehicle wraps brand a business and keep your company top of mind when it comes to your products and services. Vinyl car wraps can completely cover a fleet vehicle or they can cover half of a company vehicle. No matter the size of the vinyl vehicle wraps picked by your company, the result is a 24/7 mobile advertising opportunity thanks to the ability of the vehicle wrap to travel to different parts of your advertising area on a daily basis. However, the decision to create a vehicle wrap is not an overnight task. It takes planning of what will be included on the vehicle wrap and then the process of designing the wrap before it is placed on a vehicle. Once the design for the vehicle wrap is finalized, there are steps that need to be followed when preparing the vehicle for successful placement of the vinyl vehicle wrap.
Prepping For Vinyl Car Wraps
Here are the steps to follow when preparing to place vinyl car wraps:
- The day before the placement, the vehicle must be washed with detergent and water to remove dirt while also allowing the areas where vinyl vehicle wraps will be placed to dry before the placement is performed.
- After the vehicle surface is washed, the next step is to solvent wipe the surface. While most surface dirt will be removed, the vehicle will need to have contaminants such as grease, tar, wax and oil removed before the vehicle wrap is ready to be placed.
- To remove any remaining residue on the vehicle, it should be wiped with isopropyl alcohol (70%). After the alcohol is placed on the vehicle, it should be wiped dry before it evaporates. This step is performed right before vinyl car wraps are placed in order to eliminate any airborne contaminants that settled on the vehicle.
Vinyl Vehicle Wraps Installation
The installation process of vinyl vehicle wraps should only be handled by trained professionals experienced in the prep process described above as well as the actual placing of vinyl car wraps on a vehicle. The placing of a vehicle wrap needs to be handled carefully so the wrap meets properly without any gaps, bubbling or seams being visible to anyone that is viewing the wrap. Any vinyl vehicle wraps with these issues will need to be addressed and this could cost more money in the long run.
Contact us today to make sure your vehicle wrap prep process is handled correctly and professionally.
Call Us for More Information at 314-872-3100